Reservation Conflict in Manipur: Meitei Hindus vs Naga and Kuki-Zomi Christians

The issue of rights and reservation in Manipur has been a long-standing one, and the recent violence and shoot-on-sight orders are certainly alarming.

The demand of the Meitei community, which is largely Hindu, demanding the benefits from the schemes of the Scheduled Tribe (ST) category like other states of India is being opposed by the Naga and Kuki-Zomi communities, which are largely Christian.

The issue of resource distribution and land ownership in Manipur is a complex and sensitive one. The Meitei community, which comprises the majority of the population with 60% living on 10% of the land and resources, is facing significant challenges due to the concentration of resources and government schemes.

While Naga and Kuki-Zomi communities with 40% population have captured 90% of resources and government schemes, are largely Christian which is completely unconstitutional and inhumane.

It is important to note that the Constitution of India mandates that all citizens have equal rights and opportunities, regardless of their caste, religion, or ethnicity.

The use of advanced cutting-edge-imported laser arms in such conflicts is highly concerning and suggests that the situation is becoming increasingly volatile. It is essential for all stakeholders to approach this issue with sensitivity and to work towards a peaceful and equitable solution.

Visuals from Manipur

However, the current situation in Manipur suggests that this constitutional mandate is not being upheld, with the Meitei community facing significant disadvantages in terms of access to resources and opportunities.

The government should take steps to address the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities in the state and ensure that all citizens have equal access to government schemes and resources.

It is alarming to hear reports of attacks on the Meitei community by the Naga and Kuki-Zomi communities, and it is essential that the government takes appropriate measures to ensure the safety and security of all citizens.

It is important to note that reservation policies have been implemented in India to address historical social inequalities and to ensure equitable opportunities for marginalized communities. However, these policies have also been controversial and have often led to conflicts and violence.

In this case, it is clear that the demand for ST status by the Meitei community is based on the perception that they have been historically marginalized and excluded from development opportunities.

On the other hand, the Naga and Kuki-Zomi communities are opposing this demand on the basis that it would dilute the benefits of reservation that they currently enjoy as STs.

It is unfortunate that the issue has been politicized and that leaders are not coming together to find a peaceful and equitable solution. The recent violence and shoot-on-sight orders are not the answer, and they only serve to escalate the conflict further.

It is essential for all communities to engage in constructive dialogue and to find a solution that ensures equitable opportunities for all, without compromising the benefits of reservation for any community.

It is also important for political leaders to rise above their own selfish interests and work toward the greater good of the people they represent.


The tale of the Naga and Kuki-Zomi communities is one of transformation and evolution, steeped in the rich cultural heritage of India.

Once members of the Hindu tribe, they underwent a significant shift in their beliefs and practices, ultimately embracing the teachings of Christianity.

The conversion of these communities to Christianity marked a turning point in their history, as they shed their old traditions and embraced a new faith.

The reasons for this shift were manifold, ranging from the influence of Christian missionaries to a desire for so-called social and political change.

As they transitioned to their new faith, the Naga and Kuki-Zomi communities embraced a new way of life, steeped in Christian teachings and principles.

They built churches, established religious institutions, and embarked on a journey of spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Today, Naga and Kuki-Zomi are fighting with their own Meitei brothers who were not converted like them and carrying their ancestral legacy as such are facing these issues.

In conclusion, it is crucial for all stakeholders to approach the issue of reservation in Manipur with sensitivity and a willingness to compromise. The violence and shoot-on-sight orders are unacceptable, and they only serve to deepen the divides between communities.

It is time for all leaders to put aside their differences and work towards a peaceful and equitable resolution.


  • Shivam Singh

    Greetings, I'm the founding editor of Mithila Today. Writing is my lifelong passion, and I'm dedicated to creating content that educates and inspires. My goal is to foster understanding and dialogue through storytelling, providing a platform for meaningful discourse. Together, let's connect, inform, and inspire change in our society. Best regards, Shivam Singh

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