
Mithila Today is committed to providing accurate, timely, and factual news coverage. Our goal is to maintain the highest standards of journalism.

This page serves as an explanation of our editorial policies, guidelines, and procedures.

Editorial Independence

Mithila Today is dedicated to providing unbiased and independent news coverage. We believe in reporting the truth and providing an accurate representation of events. We are committed to our readers and strive to be fair and impartial in our coverage.

Ethical Standards

At Mithila Today, we adhere to the highest ethical standards of journalism. We strive to be transparent and accurate in our reporting and to provide our readers with accurate and balanced information.


At Mithila Today, we are committed to fact-checking our content. We strive to verify all factual claims to ensure accuracy and truthfulness. All of our content is subject to rigorous fact-checking by our editorial team.

Conflict of Interest

Mithila Today is committed to avoiding any conflict of interest in our reporting. We strive to remain independent and impartial in our coverage. We are committed to providing our readers with an honest and unbiased representation of events.


We are committed to providing our readers with accurate and reliable sources of information. We strive to verify all information before publishing it on our website.


At Mithila Today, we strive for accuracy in our reporting. If a mistake is made, we are committed to correcting it in a timely manner.

Privacy Policy

Mithila Today is committed to protecting the privacy of our readers. We will never share any personal information without the consent of the reader.


If you have any questions about our editorial policies, please contact us at [email protected].

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