The Silent Health Threat: Rising Sudden Deaths Due to Cardiac Arrest During the Dance of Garba in India

The tragic incident of a 17-year-old boy suffering a cardiac arrest and losing his life while participating in the joyful Navratri festivities is deeply distressing and raises questions about the health implications of such cultural celebrations.

This incident occurred in Kapadvanj, Gujarat, during the ongoing Navratri celebrations, which are known for their spirited Garba dances and music. As per the report, the 17-year-old youth, identified as Veer Shah, was wholeheartedly engrossed in the Garba dance when he suddenly suffered a heart attack, leading to profuse bleeding.

Prompt action was taken to rush Veer Shah to a nearby hospital for emergency treatment. However, despite the efforts of medical professionals, the young boy was declared dead at the hospital, casting a shadow of grief and concern over the ongoing Navratri celebrations.

This unfortunate incident occurred within the last 24 hours, adding to the growing concern surrounding these cultural celebrations. The latest fatality took place in Kapadvanj, Kheda district.

What makes this situation even more disheartening is that Veer’s age is not unique; individuals as young as 13 and as old as 62 have fallen victim to cardiac arrests during these festivities.

The alarming fact that 58 cases of cardiac arrest were reported on the very first day of Navratri in Gujarat is a clear signal that something is amiss.

Subsequently, cardiac arrest cases continued to be reported daily while playing Garba, with 1,100 people making emergency calls for issues ranging from breathlessness to heart attacks. Heart-related problems and panic seem to have gripped the Garba celebrations, leading to a rather dire situation.

The decision by Garba organizers to change the style of playing Garba and reduce the duration of the dance to just 10 minutes, with mandatory breaks, highlights the growing concern about these health-related issues.

Unfortunately, despite these measures, the problems persist. What remains particularly concerning is the fact that these figures are from government hospitals. If private hospital data were included, the numbers would likely be higher.

This issue is not confined to the Navratri celebrations alone. There have been reports of sudden deaths at various other festive occasions, such as weddings, where people are dancing and celebrating.

These incidents are not isolated; they are happening across India, although they are not always reported in the media. The increase in such sudden deaths over the last two years is an alarming trend that should not be ignored.

In addition to the concerning statistics from government hospitals, it is worth noting that if we were to include data from private hospitals, the overall figures would likely be even higher. This underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgency with which we must address it.

The perplexing question that arises is: what is happening during Garba that is causing a surge in heart-related problems and sudden deaths? This query needs a thorough investigation to uncover the root causes and develop effective preventive measures.

But let’s not forget that this issue isn’t exclusive to the realm of Garba. Videos of people collapsing and dying suddenly while dancing, singing, and celebrating at weddings have become all too common.

This isn’t an isolated problem; it’s happening continuously across India, though it often goes unreported. While the media occasionally highlights such incidents, the full extent of this issue remains largely hidden from public awareness.

The rising frequency of sudden deaths is an issue that demands immediate attention and further investigation. The health and safety of participants in such cultural events must be a top priority.

Over the past two years, we’ve all witnessed an alarming increase in sudden deaths during festive occasions. This serves as a stark reminder of the challenging situation our country faces.

It is our collective responsibility to address this issue, understand its causes, and take proactive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals participating in our cherished cultural festivities.


  • Shivam Singh

    Greetings, I'm the founding editor of Mithila Today. Writing is my lifelong passion, and I'm dedicated to creating content that educates and inspires. My goal is to foster understanding and dialogue through storytelling, providing a platform for meaningful discourse. Together, let's connect, inform, and inspire change in our society. Best regards, Shivam Singh

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