Panchasakha: Odisha’s Spiritual Legacy of Achyutânanda, Ananta, Jasovanta, Jagannâtha, and Balarâma Das

In the sacred realm of Kalinga, the land of Odisha, countless saints, mystics, and spiritual souls have graced this ancient land over the ages, enriching its culture and deepening its spiritual roots.

Among these luminous souls, none stand as tall in known history as the Panchasakha, the Five Friends, who left an indelible mark on Odia spiritualism and literature. These five companions lived during the years 1450 to 1550 AD, offering profound spiritual insights accessible to every soul.

The Panchasakha, also known as Five Friends, consists of Achyutânanda Das, Ananta Das, Jasovanta Das, Jagannâtha Das, and Balarâma Das. They were not just ordinary spiritual beings but held a unique place in the teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, a great spiritual leader and Naamayogi Avataar.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu regarded the Panchasakha as the Pancha Atma, or five souls, and equated their significance to some of Lord Vishnu’s avatars. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu pioneered the Bhaba-Mishrita Naama Marga, the path of chanting the holy name with pure feeling and faith, making it accessible to the masses.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu introduced the importance of the Hare Krishna MahaMantra, emphasizing that God-realization can be achieved through simple devotion, sparing the need for arduous austerities.

The Panchasakha translated ancient Hindu texts into straightforward prose, making the knowledge easily digestible for the people of Udra Desha (Odisha). Among them, Achyutânanda Das emerged as the most prolific writer, producing numerous books known as Pothi’s. He is revered as a Mahapurusha, a great man, possessing profound knowledge in spiritualism, Ayurveda, various sciences, and social regulations.

The origin of the Panchasakhâ is intertwined with the Mahabharat era (Dwapara-Yuga) according to Shunya Samhitâ, written by Mahapurusha Achyutânanda. In this narrative, it is believed that they were the intimate friends of Lord Krishna in the Dwapara-Yuga, reincarnated in the Kali-Yuga to serve Him, following a prophecy made by Lord Shiva himself.

Each of the Panchasakha had unique qualities and specialties. Yasovanta was a knower of the beyond, Ananta understood the complexities of mystical Yantras, Achyuta could narrate past, present, and future, Balarâma Dasa delved into the essence of knowledge (tatwa), and Jagannâtha comprehended the profound emotions of devotion. These five friends are the five great souls of Chaitanya.

Achyutânanda’s birth is shrouded in divine intervention. It is said that he was born with the special blessings of Lord Jagannath, symbolized by “Achyuta” meaning “created by Vishnu.” Some accounts claim that he was found by his parents, while others believe that he was divinely granted to them.

Under the guidance of Mahapurusha Achyutânanda, the Panchasakha established spiritual centers called ‘Gâdis’ across eastern India, hosting various spiritual activities, discourses, and services to seekers.

Notably, Olasuni, near Paradeep, was the place where Shriguru Arakshita Das, not part of the Panchasakha but a revered saint, discovered a divine child named Ram Das, who became the disciple of Achyutânanda and Arakshita Das.

Pancha Sakha, along with Shri Arakshita Das, were collectively known as Sada-Goswami (six Lords). Shriguru Arakshita Das, a great Shunya Sadhak, resided in the Olasuni hills, where he performed austerities before attaining salvation. The Gumpha festival of Olasuni, a nine-day celebration, is famous in this region.

The Panchasakha

Let’s go through each of the Panchasakha (Five Friends) individually in more detail:

1. Achyutânanda Das: Shri Achyutânanda Das, one of the revered Panchasakha, stands out as a luminary in Odia spiritualism. He is often referred to as the Mahapurusha, which translates to “a great man.”

Achyutananda Das
Saint Achyutananda Das (Pic: Biographya)

Born around 1510 AD in the village of Tilakona in Odisha, his arrival was marked by divine intervention. Legend has it that he was granted to his parents, Dinabandhu Khuntia and Padma Devi, following a vision his father had of Garuda, the eagle symbolizing Lord Vishnu.

Achyutânanda Das is recognized for his prolific writing, and he authored numerous books, known as “Pothi’s.” His knowledge spanned a wide spectrum, including spiritualism, prophecies like Bhavishya Malika, Ayurveda (Indian healing medical science), various sciences, and social regulations. His profound insights have left an enduring legacy in the spiritual landscape of Odisha.

2. Ananta Das: Among the Panchasakha, Ananta Das possessed a unique understanding of the mystical and the beyond. His deep insights into esoteric knowledge and the secrets of the universe contributed to the spiritual wealth of the region. Ananta Das’s wisdom and teachings continue to inspire seekers on their spiritual journeys.

3. Jasovanta Das: Jasovanta Das was the Yantra expert among the Panchasakha. He delved into the intricacies of mystical diagrams and figures, unveiling their profound significance. His expertise in Yantras added depth to the spiritual practices of the time, making him a crucial figure in the Panchasakha’s collective mission to enlighten the masses.

4. Jagannâtha Das: Another luminary among the Panchasakha, was known for his deep understanding of the ultimate feelings of devotion. He contributed to the spiritual discourse by emphasizing the profound emotions associated with pure devotion. His teachings continue to touch the hearts of countless devotees.

5. Balarâma Das: One of the Panchasakha, who was fluent in deciphering the ultimate gist or essence of any subject matter. His ability to distill complex knowledge into understandable and practical teachings made him a vital figure in the spiritual landscape of Odisha. His contributions enriched the spiritual heritage of the region.

These five friends, collectively known as Panchasakha, each brought their unique gifts and insights to the spiritual and intellectual realms of Odisha. Their teachings and writings continue to resonate with seekers, carrying forward the legacy of enlightenment and devotion in this sacred land.

The Panchasakha, and Arakshita Das, foresaw that in Ram Das’ 13th and final birth, he would embody the souls of all his gurus and carry out the Yuga Karma during the transition from Kaliyuga to Satyayuga. Baba Shri Buddhanâth Das is believed to be the last incarnation of Yogi Ram Das, enlightened by the collective consciousness of his six Gurus.

In addition to the spiritual realm, Odisha has witnessed the presence of another set of Five Comrades known as Satyabadi’s Panchasakha. These selfless young men, including Pandit Gopabandhu Das, Acharya Harihar Das, Pandit Nilakantha Das, Krupasindhu Mishra, and Godavarish Mishra, were instrumental in the educational and political upliftment of Odisha, dedicating themselves to the cause of national aspirations.

The Panchasakha, whether in the spiritual or the socio-political realm, have left an indelible mark on the history and culture of Odisha, and continue to inspire generations with their unwavering dedication to spiritual and national ideals.


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