NIA’s Intensive Operation Targets Human Trafficking Network in 8 States and 2 Union Territories

In a major crackdown on human trafficking, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted raids in 8 states and 2 Union Territories, leading to the arrest of 44 individuals. The operation, focused on dismantling a trafficking network involving illegal Rohingyas, also uncovered a shocking case in Bathindi, Jammu.

Zafar Alam, a Rohingya Muslim from Myanmar, was apprehended in Jammu city during the raids. The NIA suspects his involvement in a Manipur improvised explosive device (IED) blast, adding a layer of potential terror links to the case.

During the extensive operation, law enforcement seized Rs 20 lakh in cash and US dollars, highlighting the financial aspects of the human trafficking network. The arrested individuals are believed to be part of a larger gang engaged in the settlement of illegal Rohingyas.

The modus operandi of the trafficking gang involved marrying women from Myanmar to middle-aged local men and employing male individuals as laborers. This revelation has brought to light the intricate web of illegal activities surrounding the trafficking of vulnerable individuals.

The NIA’s concerted efforts have not only aimed at curbing human trafficking but also at uncovering potential terror links that may pose a threat to the region’s security. The arrest of Zafar Alam underscores the multifaceted nature of these illicit operations, with connections reaching beyond human trafficking to potential acts of violence.

This operation marks a significant step towards dismantling the criminal networks involved in human trafficking, bringing justice to the victims, and ensuring the safety and security of the affected regions.


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